10 Ways People Earn Money With Courses... Some You Never Saw Coming

Would anyone

what you have to

pay to learn


digital courses every single day.



super niche

and common

This BTS look is cold, hard proof that people are paying for 


YOUR digital course idea is probably WAY more profitable than you’d dare to believe.

will help you learn what makes a digital course successful… Even ones that don’t exactly sound like a cash cow. 🤨 (I mean, how many people would buy a course on Appalachian flatfooting? Read to find out!)

10 Ways People Earn Money With Courses... Some You Never Saw Coming




Here's How It Works

Download This Detailed Tell-All

Read 10 Digital Course Case Studies

Say “Wait… Mine WOULD Work!” 
Out Loud

Which include the course topic, problem it solves, and how many people purchase – AKA how much cash it brings in – each year. 💸

So What If Dean From Accounting Hears 🤷‍♀️

If You Can Meet A Need, You Can Sell A Course. 🤩

No matter how weird, mundane, or 
“common knowledge.”

No matter if there are 20,000 videos 
on it on YouTube.

The proof’s in the pudding, friend.

No matter if you know how to put it all together. (I’ve got you there!)

✅ Solves A Problem, One You Used To Struggle With

✅ Offers Breakthrough, A Sigh Of Relief, Or A Spot Of Joy In The Lives Of Others

✅ Transforms How You Work and What You Earn

What If Your Plain Jane, Every Day Knowledge Really Could Become A Digital Course That:

I had nothing but an idea. No tech experience, no email list, no influencer connections. 

Now I bring in so much income that my annual charitable giving is equal to what I used to earn as a public school teacher.



Author Coach for Christian Authors


The only difference between you and all 10 course creators in this study?

❌ It’s not a cult TikTok following.

❌ It’s not a bunch of degrees.

❌ It’s not years of marketing experience.

It's That They Believed In What They Had To Share With The World.


THAT is the secret to digital course success. (I’m serious!)

And now it’s your turn, my friend. 

After 16+ years of creating digital courses myself and helping over 90,000 online business owners, here’s the one piece of encouragement I’d have for you:

Don’t let your very real potential stay on the shelf for fear of trying. 💛